Welcome to our booking system!
Här anmäler du dig eller ditt barn till våra kurser. Anmälan till tävlingar görs också här. De grupper eller tävlingar du eller ditt barn har behörighet till är öppna och markerade med grönt. Grupperna är rekommenderade av tränarna, men Skridskoskolan är öppen för alla.
Vi använder nu ett externa betalningssystem ”Billmate”. Därför dras en avgift för varje faktura/betalningstillfälle. Det går att betala direkt med swish, eller via faktura inom 14 dagar. Det går också att dela upp kursavgiften i delbetalningar, till en mindre extra kostnad.
Uppsala Skridskoklubb needs certain information from you if you want to register. We need to be able to process certain personal data about you in order to provide you with a safe, secure and practical experience. The personal data you provide in connection with registration for this event will be processed only for the purpose of this event.
Name: Used to identify the skater and the parents. We need to save that data for ten years. This information may need to be shared with our insurance company if necessary.
Kontaktuppgifter, såsom telefonnummer, e-postadress: De uppgifterna behöver vi för att kunna kontakta dig och kommunicera med dig. Dessa uppgifter sparar vi i upp till tre år efter avslutat arrangemang.
We also share personal data in connection to our grant applications to the municipality (activity support) and state grants via the National Sports Association (LOK support).
In order to register for this event, you need to consent (authorize) to us processing your personal data as described above.
According to the data protection regulation GDPR, you have the right to be informed once per calendar year which personal information we process and how we process it, if you request it in writing. You also have the right to, at any time, request us to correct your information that we process.
You also have the option of withdrawing your agreement of processing of your personal information and the right to demand that your data be deleted. In that case, this means that Uppsala SK may no longer process your personal information for this arrangement. It is important then to consider that it may affect the club's ability to give you a safe and secure experience at the event.
If you have further questions, please email us at: styrelsen@uppsalask.se